new logo concept

Is It Time For a New Logo?

You may think a logo is just fancy font and colors with a splash of a possible graphic. Yes, this is true, to some degree. Your logo is the face of your brand. It is the very first impression most consumers have before they interact with your place of business. It will make a powerful impression, upon a first encounter. Its design is important.

When executed correctly, it is often the most memorable element of your brand, like your name. It also is one of the most difficult elements to create for your business. The pressure is real. The presentation is your entire value proposition.

How do you know when a logo redesign is necessary? It can be difficult to know how long a logo should last. Your logo may last five years or endure for 10 to 30 years. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or a new entrepreneur, your logo is an essential piece of your brand. But how can you be sure that your company logo requires a redesign? 

Here Are 2 Signs You Need to Consider

  • Your business has expanded or changed.

Have you expanded your product line or service offerings? If this is true, it may be time to consider changing your logo. A few months into building this firm the vision of the company changed. To reflect the changes a new name and logo resulted. 

An expansion or shift in direction is a good reason for a logo redesign. Don’t be afraid to allow your logo to evolve and grow with you.

image of two logos dragonfly digital marketing and KMD Marketing + Design
  • Your business outgrew the current logo.

In the early days, you may not have the resources or funds available. As your company grows so should your logo. Just being in business isn’t enough to be noticed. A redesigned logo can become part of your marketing strategy- as you grow. 

It’s time for a new logo, now what?

A logo can make people FEEL. It communicates your brand when a consumer lands on your webpage, visits your place of business or interacts with you on social media. Like any line of work, you will need to consider more than just fonts and colors. We’ve outlined 4 additional things to consider before you create or redesign your logo. 

  • Reflection of Your Brand + Business

A change in direction or brand is a key indicator for a logo redesign. Review your marketing strategy. As it may be time for an update

  • Do You Have a Style?

You have decided now is the time for a logo redesign or you are just starting out with your first logo. Your logo symbolizes your business. It should be a direct reflection of your style and brand.

  • What Are You Willing to Pay

It doesn’t matter if you are in the redesign phase or if this is your first logo. What you are willing to pay is worth considering. A logo can vary in cost from $0 up to thousands of dollars.

  • Who Will Create the Final Logo

A cost-effective option is to design the logo yourself or have an internal associate create it. Please keep in mind this has hidden costs. Other options include a logo generator, freelance designers, and a design agency. Once again, these all vary in cost and quality.

Final Thoughts

If you answered yes to any of the above or are just starting, you must know exactly what goes into the decision-making process. Whether you design in-house, hire a freelance designer, or a design agency, make sure that the following checklist is a part of your agreement:

  • Your final logo design in multiple formats
    • High-resolution, vector format optimized for print; either in-house or from a print shop
    • Web-optimized format for website, social media, and other digital needs
  • Full legal copyright
    • This ensures that your logo design is exclusively yours
    • At K M D Marketing + Design, designers will release the copyright along with all necessary logo file formats
Hey there I'm kayla dammann of KMD Marketing.

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